Any way to turn off the IR leds on TIR 3?

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Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:00 am

Any way to turn off the IR leds on TIR 3?

Post by Rhyn0 »

Hi, my TIR 3 with Vector is still doing amazing after 15 years, but it does not turn off the IR leds when I run it with the Trackclip Pro. Had a search and didn't find anything other than for TIR 4 and 5 where it should be doing it automatically.
Its picking up reflection from my glasses and going crazy..

Thanks. And what an amazing product btw..
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Re: Any way to turn off the IR leds on TIR 3?

Post by jon.campbell »

Hi Rhyn0,

Thanks for posting on the TrackIR forums. I will be happy to assist you.
I have some questions for you to clarify what problems you are having.

Are you currently using the latest TrackIR 5.4.2 software located on our download page?

Which IR LED's are you referring to? The LED's on the TrackIR3 camera or the LED's on your Trackclip Pro headset?

I would suggest using the latest software, and if you could, can you post a screenshot of the Camera View? If the camera is picking up your glasses reflections that will cause the software to go crazy, but if you are using the Trackclip Pro setting inside the software, it should only pick up the IR LEDs on the TrackClipPro and it will ignore your glasses' reflection. Is this button selected inside the software?
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Jon Campbell
Customer Support Engineer
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