Slowing TIR down : For Bulz

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Slowing TIR down : For Bulz

Post by Charlie251 »

First, a lovely question.

Do you use the enhanced mode CUSTOM and edit the group points individually?

If not, I think that will work for you. Here is a crash course, from memory, on how to do this....

Go to the motion tab. Make sure TIR is in Enhanced mode and you have it tracking. You should see a grid and your dot moving around.

Now, select CUSTOM on the drop down menu. You should see an extra slider pop up and a radio button that says something like "Group edit points". Make sure that it is NOT checked (or the blue blob is gone). When it is unchecked, ANOTHER slider will pop up.

OK, move the edit point slider to 0. Set the speed for this spot. The higher the number, the faster the movement. Watch the curve on the grid to see how it reacts.

Now go to the next group point and set the speed there.

Continue this until you have reached edit point 50.

As I said, the lower the number, the slower it will move. I like to keep the first few edit points at 0 for a dead band, and then increase from there.

Since your having a to fast issue, set the first few points at 0 and then slowly increase the group points to 15 at point 50. This should be NICE AND SLOW for ya!

Hope it helps.
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Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:00 am

Re: Slowing TIR down : For Bulz

Post by Bulz »

Thanks Charlie.

Yes it is in enhanced mode.

Do you have to adjust all settings, end points, speed, smoothing in each drop down?

dead zone

The instructions in the PDF shows only making adjustments under the custom drop down only.
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