GTA SA or anygame question

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GTA SA or anygame question

Post by steyr223 »

Hay dudes and a, dudets
I hope this is the right spot topost
I've been playing grand theft auto san andeas
and was wondering if there is a way to incorperate the tracker into the game.
If anyone has played this then you know that
even the simple view axis would come in so handy as there's no way to follow your character without adjusting the camera constantly(turn, go up,jump, hit a wall,a bump)

btw i've had this tracker for about 2 months and never hooked it up so i'm a newbe

Is there anyway to make a profile or program to work in different apps

I saw some where that ,I guess to run the mouse emulation mode the game has to be windowed?

thanks steyr223
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