total war warhammer

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Re: total war warhammer

Post by MikeWitham »


I'm sorry about the miscommunication. It is in the dwell clicking setup menu.
DwellClicking.JPG (25.03 KiB) Viewed 10232 times
I run into the same problem with all the work arounds I test. The mouse moves, but the clickpoint doesn't. If I select Target A, but then move the cursor to Target B when it clicks it will select Target A even though the cursor is above Target B. I am still troubleshooting this when I can, and have asked for more input from my dev. So far we haven't been able to make it work 100%.

Mike Witham
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by accessiblegamer »

i'm not sure which version you think I'm using but I do not have that screen on my smartnav Control panel. am I using an older version? Do I need to shell out another $400 to get the newer version of your product?

I am incredibly frustrated that this has not yet been resolved, and you need to understand that I, as well as many other disabled gamers, live on a fixed income and somehow managed to cough up $400 US for your product, and to have it completely incompatible with an entire AAA gaming franchise like the total war series is inexcusable. I look at some of the other products on your website that cost a fraction of what we've paid for the natural point track IR and I have to wonder what it is about this particular product that makes it worth $400 US when the only real difference I can surmise is that this has dwelled clicking in the software.

are you deliberately raising the price of this product in the hopes that some disable gamer with platinum insurance will cover it?

I feel like I've been taken for a ride, when I see the price discrepancies between the various infrared mouse solutions you offer. can you justify why anyone would buy a $400 mouse (to say nothing of the $500 model you offer), when you have a $120 model available for gamers that apparently gets more support than this.

i've been using your product for years, Recommending it to any and all disabled gamers with whom I interact on a regular basis, and when you can't even muster up the resources to ensure compatibility with an entire game franchise released by Sega, then I feel as if I did not get my $400 worth out of your product.
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by accessiblegamer »

I've been watching this thread for almost 2 weeks with no response.

Do you have any comments on this matter? This franchise is becoming more and more popular, and being excluded from it on the basis of disability, because my $400 assistive technology, purchased so I can play video games in spite of my disability, is for some reason incompatible with Total War: Rome 2 and Total War: Warhammer I think warrants some kind of comment.
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by MikeWitham »


The clicking control panel in the previous message is from our dwell clicking software. I was under the impression initially that you had the AT version that comes with dwell clicking. I've revamped my testing using the EG unit and multiple different input devices. However I have limited time to test the device with the game. I am doing what I can when I can.

The model that is $150-$170 is simply in game head tracking and offers no real mouse control. I am sorry if you feel that we are intentionally upsetting you, but I can assure you I am dedicating as much time as possible to this. On that note, there are several other issues that occupy my time, along with multiple product lines, phone calls, forums and email. I have to prioritize the issues on severity and impact.

Yours is the only report of this issue that has been brought to our attention, and though I have been able to replicate it here I have not as of yet found the solution. There are few pieces of software that don't work with SmartNav and I will hopefully find out why these titles are among them.

What are you using as an input to click? Are you using the keyboard, a specs switch or something else?

Mike Witham
TrackIR Product Manager
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by grackul »

Hello I'm own SmartNav 4 AT and have the same issue, its happens since total war: rome 2 game, turning on win2k/XP clicking doesnt help much, its still unplayable
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by accessiblegamer »

Now that we've established that this is happening to multiple people and that it is a reproducible bug, and that a significant amount of time has passed since my last post, I was wondering if you could give me and everyone else waiting to be able to play this game some sort of status update as to its resolution. I'm assuming that at least some work has been done to fix this issue since my last post, right?

… right?
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by TheIronGod »

So, my friends and I are starting a game company and we've actually been meaning to communicate with you about this issue and a few others, but I believe I can shed some light on this problem.

I have issues using the dwell clicker with quite a few games (off the top of my head I can name Banished, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13, Dead Mountaineer's Hotel, Darkest Dungeon, Evil Genius, and I know I own even more). It isn't a bug. These games are coded to respond to a "mouse button down" event of a short duration and not a "mouse click" event. It has to do with the control schemes of these games. You can kind of still make most of them work using the auto-click drag option because that uses the "mouse button down".

I think the most expedient solution that would make the software compatible with every game is to change the next build of your software to use the "mouse button down" event for all clicks with a duration of... say, 0.15 seconds. I haven't actually tested that duration, however.
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by grackul »

There is solution for most of these games you have mentioned.
You need just turn on in dwell clicker settings Win2k/XP clicking.
Its not obvious, I learned about it from this topic, but sadly that has no effect on total war games since Rome 2
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by grackul »

I found solution to this problem, its third party program called dwell clicker 2, it work just fine with newer total war games, sadly right-drag'n'drop button is still lacking which adds a bit difficulty playing the game but is playable. I tried couple other programs but they had the same issue as smartnav's dwell clicker
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Re: total war warhammer

Post by Tom_Quad_NY »

I am a quadriplegic who interacts with the computer hands-free. I have LONG had a problem with some of the Total War games and SmartNAV.

When I go into a game like Rome II: Total War, I have mouse control but every time I try to click on something, the mouse fades, like a ghost. I just tried this with the Win2/XP Clicking after reading this thread. It made no difference.
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