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createing a control plugin for motive using UE4 BFL

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:09 pm
by JCDML92
Hey guys, i am stuck

i am creating a bluprint function library for ue4 to contol motive's record, stop and rename functions. here is where i am at :
following the optitrack plugin, i was able to create the begguining to the wrapper i need to make interms of reffing Natnet functions for connection, however, i cant quite figure out what to do after that. the way i understand how the optitrack pluggin works asis, is: Checks if server is initalized->checks if client is initialized->creates connection if both pass->sends data via UDP->checks for disconnection->shutsdown client is DC'd

is the way i understand the loop correct?
what out of this is nessesary for just using the "SendMessageandWait" function?
if i need to initialize a client how abouts would i do that with out an actor?