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Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:57 pm
by NKPPilot
Ok, need help.

I can not get a good setting in WW2OL for the TrackIR. (Non Vector)

I am having trouble returning to center when I am tracking a plane crossing my nose. Say right to left from right wingtip flying in front then across to left side. As I swing my head back to where I thought or feel center is, I am not centered and the view is skewed to one side. This causes my sights to be off center and makes for a difficult shot to say the least.

What I think I need is settings that will give me a very exagerated feel(I think). When I am looking up over my shoulder, I want my head way back and up. Then as I return to center I would like a very large deadband so I do not have to be perfectly centered with head position to be looking straight down the sights.

So.... what numbers would give me this feel?

Or is it not that easy.

or am I wrong and should go with very little head motion to generate large movements. This seems difficult since I'd have to keep my head very still least it jumps around...

I even tried mapping the "recenter" to my hat. This way as they begin to get in my sights, I could instantly snap to center. This works poorly to say the least. Mainly because when I do this now center is wherever my head was when I began to reel him into my sights... Understand? Lots of "recentering" occurs thereafter...

Nothing I have done so far is acceptable, however, it makes for a great excuse on my crappy gunnery...

Looking for help from the pro's, the not so pro's, and the ....


Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:44 am
by Pruitt
I have to ask a couple of questions first.

1. Do you have the TrackIR profile you're using setup as "Enhanced Mode" and not "Mouselook"?

2. Do you have TrackIR setup in the WWIIOL Keymapper in Enhanced Mode?
This is what screws up most new users in WWIIOL. You have to go into the Keymapper, under Views (and Troop, if used for infantry) and change Mouselook from "Mouse X" and "Mouse Y", to "TrackIR X" and TrackIR Y". You do this by clicking on the old value and moving your head in the correct direction while TrackIR is enabled.

If that's all setup correctly, post here and we'll see what we can figure out next.

[ January 19, 2005, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Pruitt ]

Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:28 pm
by Wayne

What version of software are you using, I know that you said that it was not Vector.

I will be happy to send you some instructions and the profile that I used if you are still using version 3. This will confirm that you are running in Enhanced mode and not relative.

Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:57 am
by NKPPilot

Track IR X,Y in Keymapper


Distance to unit from track hat is 26 inches.

Mounted on top of the monitor. Aprox 1 inch above the track hat dot.

There was a post awhile back with the points set at 3,3,3,5,10,15...

didn't work either... same problem. My head seems to have to me perfectly centered upon "snapping" my head back.

This is what is holding up my upgrade to Vector. My neck gets sore now from trying not to "fall out of center" when looking aorund. Add an axis and I might explode.

Also while we are talking about WW2OL. I am getting some freezing or long stutters with TrackIR. I checked it without TrackIR and it doesn't seem to do it. This one may be for Wayne.

Autoupdate is NOT running and disabled in Services.

Unit is plugged directly into USB2.0 root. (No Hub)

[ January 20, 2005, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Bradly ]

Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:26 pm
by Wayne
Bradly ,

Your e-mail is being blocked.

Drop me an e-mail at the office so that I can send you my profile, and some instructions so we know that everything is setup correctly.

Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:56 am
by NKPPilot
I got your email. I think you misunderstood what I need. I have TrackIR setup fine in WW2OL. The problem is I need Point setting that forgive my head not being perfectly back at center. I have tried large deadbands and it makes the turning of my head and looking around feel very unnatural.

Unless I misunderstood your email...


Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:49 pm
by NKPPilot
Wow thread died...

Ok I am running 0,0,0,1,1,1,1....

seems ok. Still hate having to sit like a statue.

Anything I can do for this. I wouldn't mind having to turn my head like Linda Blair and getting to be able to at least adjust in my seat without having to constantly recenter.

Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:55 am
by gaillard
get vector and you can move around all you like just look foward

Re: Sensitivity in WW2OL

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:49 pm
by Wayne

I think that I understand what you are saying.
If you constantly move around then this will cause you to have to re-center.

Gaillard is correct in saying that Vector will make a difference to how the view behaves, in the way that if you lean from side to side then the screen will not be altered.

6DOF will be even better when it is ready.