Interfacing to Point Cloud without using COM

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Interfacing to Point Cloud without using COM

Post by beckdo »

One of the things I've been trying to accomplish with our Point Cloud Toolkit is make it as easy as possible to get access to the Point Cloud Library and it's data.

Today I posted up two new items in the 'Sample Applications' area of the Point Cloud Toolkit downloads. The new items are 'Point Cloud Non-COM Interface' and 'Point Cloud Non-COM C++ Sample'.

The idea behind the Non-COM interface is to keep things as simple as possible for people developing applications using Point Cloud.

Just to give you an idea of how simple using the Non-COM interface is, I wanted to post a very simple program here that uses the Non-COM interface to display the marker count for 5 seconds:


for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
printf("%d markers\n",NP_FrameMarkerCount());



As you can see, this makes life quite simple for anyone wanting to get direct access to the Point Cloud Library.

In addition to this sample, the sample posted on the download page is much more complete and demonstrates all the functions of the library as well as how to trap and display errors coming out of the library.

Feel free to send or post any feedback or comments regarding this new way to interface to the Point Cloud Library.

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