Tracking Tools 2.0 - Generating Rigid Body Definitions

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Tracking Tools 2.0 - Generating Rigid Body Definitions

Post by will1987 »


I'm helping on an existing project that currently streams marker data from a server (with the cameras) to clients to then process that data.

My task is to build rigid bodys from that marker data (a list of markers contain the marking information).

Firstly, is there a way to generate/create rigid bodys without using the tracking tools app? as i saw mention of methods to add markers to a rigid body in the old rigid body 1.3, however it is not in tracking tools 2.0 beta 2.

Secondly will i be able to build up rigid bodys on the the client end based on incoming markers? or will it have to run on the server end connected to the camers.

Thank you for your help
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