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[NatNet] get Rigid Bodies coordinates from their names

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:46 pm
by courrier
Hey guys,

Is there a way to identify rigid bodies thanks to their names instead of their numerical ID using NatNet, just like VRPN does?

I'm looking for the association rigid_body_name => (position, quaternion), the NatNet protocol natively returns rigid_body_id => (its_center.position, its_center.quaternion), but I need to find somewhere rigid_body_name => rigid_body_id.

It looks like the only location where rigid body names are provided is within the marker sets section, but it only associates the rigid_body_names to ..... the 3D coordinates of its markers, which doesn't help at all.

Any idea about how to find this association somehow?

Re: [NatNet] get Rigid Bodies coordinates from their names

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:33 am
by morgan
In the DataDescriptions packet, sRigidBodyDescription contains the RigidBody name and it's ID, which can be used to store in a lookup. This lookup can then be used in the FrameOfMocapData delivery to associate the Rigid
Body ID with it's name.

I think the WinForms sample app illustrates this approach.

Let us know if you are unable to make this work.
