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Unity and il2cpp

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 5:20 am
by Archtica
Hello all, quick unity question
Is it possible to run the unity OptiTrack plugin in unity il2cpp. I'm getting marshalling errors.
Before diving deeper I just want to know or if I need to do something in particular. Mono works fine, but that is not an option for me.

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NotSupportedException: IL2CPP does not support marshaling delegates that point to instance methods to native code. The method we're attempting to marshal is: NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NatNetClient::FrameReceivedNativeThunk
Like so:

I've tried making the client.cs methods static as per the errors message and it builds but crashes on enabling the component.

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internal class MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute : System.Attribute
  public MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute() { }
static private void FrameReceivedNativeThunk( IntPtr pFrameOfMocapData, IntPtr pUserData )
Thank you in advance!
Regards Thomas