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Streaming Rigid Body data to C# App

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:17 am
by jeremyaker
I've a 6 camera (FLEX:V100R2) setup with OptiHubs and I need to get real-time streaming data of a rigid body into a C# application (.NET 2.0) we are writing. Any advice on how to get started listening for NatNet streaming from ARENA? Or would I be better getting a TrackingTools license? If so, where to get started with that? I don't need to stream over a network (yet) I just need to access the data on the same computer.

Re: Streaming Rigid Body data to C# App

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:33 am
by jeremyaker
NaturalPoint's NatNet 2.0 is supposed to be .Net managed but it's release has been "next week" for over a month. I used Chris VanderKnyff's VrpnNet 1.1.1 ( and in a few hours time I'm getting Trackable data from Tracking Tools into my C# app.

Re: Streaming Rigid Body data to C# App

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:36 pm
by morgan
Latest version of NatNet (2.1) includes a full .NET wrapper assembly which can be dropped into any .NET aware application eniviron.

Please see the WinForms C# sample app in the NatNet 2.1 Samples folder for a usage example. We've tried to make the .NET wrapper as easy to use as possible - so if you have any suggestions please let us know!
