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not getting data frames using NatNet SDK 2.1

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:41 am
by chris123
I'm using the sample code PacketClient included with the NatNet SDK 2.1 and streaming data from Arena

I can query data descriptions and ping the server ok, but when I ask for a frame of data or a test request I get
[Client] received 'unrecognized request'
I also do not get any data using the rest of the sample programs with the SDK.
Any ideas?


Re: not getting data frames using NatNet SDK 2.1

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:25 pm
by morgan
Hey Chris,

Tests here show Arena 1.5 and NatNet 2.1 streaming correctly.

I do get 'unrecognized request' if Arena is set to streaming but no data is actively playing in Arena, either from file or "Live".
Is this a possibility?


Re: not getting data frames using NatNet SDK 2.1

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:35 am
by chris123
I think I have arena set up correctly (see screenshot).
I've loaded in some 2d data, some trajectorized data and a skeleton, turned on and off all the streaming options and still don't get any data coming through.

I used wireshark to look for any output and there don't seem to be any UDP packets being spontaneously broadcast.
If I request a packet with NAT_REQUEST_FRAMEOFDATA the packet I get back seems to be malformed (my machine is and arena is on (see screenshot):

Arena is running on Windows 7 pro.

Re: not getting data frames using NatNet SDK 2.1

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:54 am
by chris123
The images in my previous post seem to have disappeared.
Hopefully the following will work:


Re: not getting data frames using NatNet SDK 2.1

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:57 am
by chris123

Arena seems to be broadcasting UDP packets again - not completely sure why. Possibly my firewall was blocking them.
I also found that having no skeleton means that nothing gets broadcast.
