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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:42 am
by niallm
Post from General:
I'm developing a program to use multiple cameras to track a single vector clip (multiscreen VR environment). In order to compute the centroid of the clip I need to access the point information provided by the INPPoint and its wrapper. Your sample app does not use this, and I'm a new to the world of C++ .
The SDK document is unclear how to acess the point data.
What exactly is returned by get_Tracking.
If I use the INPVector2->get_Tracking property prior to INPPpoint->get_{X|Y|Z} the program crashes.

Need some guidance.

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:32 am
by niallm
Solved the problem. INPVector2 belongs to INPVector. Might want to revise your docs to reflect the relationship. It doesn't show up in the class diagram at beginning of documentation (page 1-6)


Re: INPVector2

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:25 pm
by Birch
For those interested, here is a modification to the C++ sample app for interacting with INPVector2 :

Code: Select all

    CComPtr<INPVector2> m_spVector;
    CComPtr<INPPoint> m_spPoint;

BOOL CCameraDlg::OnInitDialog()

void CCameraDlg::UpdateVectorInfo(INPCameraFrame * pFrame)
   CComVariant varYaw, varPitch, varRoll, varX, varY, varZ, varEmpty;

   // Process the vector data
   m_spVector->Update(m_spCamera, pFrame);


   // Get Point number 0 on the clip
   m_spVector->GetPoint(0, &m_spPoint);


   // important to free this

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:24 pm
by macdrevx
A year and a half later, this has been very helpful. Thanks!

Is there a better way to get position data than from INPVector? I'm using the OptiTrack SDK.

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:40 pm
by Birch
The next step up is out Point Cloud and Rigid Body toolkits. They provide much more powerful tracking and full SDKs, but also require a license to be purchased.

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:10 am
by Mark Scopes
Is the a C not C++ sample app for this I just want to start wit a sigle camera and return the vector information.

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:46 pm
by Birch
We haven't got any plain C code, though you might be able to use the C++ code as a reference for interfacing with it using plain C.

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:08 am
by Mark Scopes
I am trying to write a small demonstration program to covert head moment to PTZ camera control.

It was suggested that the OptiTrack SDK would be a good place to start. I am using version 1.81 with a TrackIR camera. I am writing the program in "C" not "C++" using National Instruments CVI.

I have included the code and having the following problems:
1/ I was expecting the command
hr = INPCamera_GetFrame(camera,waittime,&frame);
to give me a value into the frame variable, although hr returns 0.

2/The command line
hr = INPVector_Update(vector, camera, frame);
Gives me a general protection fault at 001B:011DFD71.

I expect I am missing something with the TrackIR in terms of some code. Can you help ???


#include "d:\Programs\Track\optitrack.h"

char panhndl,buff[128];
int n,p=1;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (InitCVIRTE (0, 0, 0) == 0) /* needed if linking DLL in external compiler; harmless otherwise */
return (-1); /* out of memory */

panhndl = LoadPanel (0, "track test.uir", 1);
n = DisplayPanel (panhndl);
RunUserInterface ();

return 0;

int CVICALLBACK stop(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
switch (event) {
/* Close UIR */
p = 1;
n = DiscardPanel (panhndl);
QuitUserInterface (0);
/* End */

return 0;

int CVICALLBACK Start(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)

INPCameraCollection *collection = NULL;
INPCamera *camera = NULL;
INPCameraFrame *frame = NULL;
INPVector *vector = NULL;
VARIANT vx, vy,vz, vyaw, vpitch, vroll;
VARIANT voption;

long cameraCount, camera_sn, waittime = INFINITE, camera_model;

n = SetCtrlAttribute (panhndl, 2, ATTR_DIMMED, 0);
n = SetCtrlAttribute (panhndl, 3, ATTR_DIMMED, 1);

/* Create cameraCollection and Vector objects */
hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_NPCameraCollection, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_INPCameraCollection, (void **)&collection);
hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_NPVector, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_INPVector, (void **)&vector);

/* Find all cameras */
ProcessSystemEvents ();
INPCameraCollection_get_Count(collection, &cameraCount);
ProcessSystemEvents ();
/* Print bit */
n=Fmt(buff,"%s<%s%d","Camra count = ",cameraCount);
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0, buff);
ProcessSystemEvents ();

/* First identifier of camera select camera*/
hr = INPCameraCollection_Item(collection, 0, &camera);

hr = INPCamera_get_SerialNumber(camera, &camera_sn);
/* Print bit */
n=Fmt(buff,"%s<%s%d","Camera SN = ",camera_sn);
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0, buff);
ProcessSystemEvents ();

hr = INPCamera_get_Model(camera, &camera_sn);
/* Print bit */
n=Fmt(buff,"%s<%s%d","Camera Model = ",camera_model);
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0, buff);
ProcessSystemEvents ();

ProcessSystemEvents ();

hr = INPCamera_Open(camera);
hr = INPCamera_SetLED(camera, NP_LED_ONE, VARIANT_TRUE);
if(hr == 0)
hr = INPCamera_SetOption(camera, NP_OPTION_SEND_EMPTY_FRAMES, voption);
hr = INPCamera_Start(camera);

hr = INPVector_Reset(vector);

while (p == 1)
hr = INPCamera_GetFrame(camera,waittime,&frame);
if (FAILED(hr))
case S_OK:
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0,"OK\n");
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0,"E_POINTER\n");
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0,"NP_E_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED\n");
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0,"NP_E_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED\n");
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0,"HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_TIMEOUT)\n");
n = InsertTextBoxLine (panhndl, 4, 0,"default\n");

hr = INPVector_Update(vector, camera, frame);

hr = INPVector_get_X(vector, &vx);
hr = INPVector_get_X(vector, &vy);
hr = INPVector_get_X(vector, &vz);
hr = INPVector_get_Yaw(vector, &vyaw);
hr = INPVector_get_Pitch(vector, &vpitch);
hr = INPVector_get_Roll(vector, &vroll);

hr = INPCameraFrame_Free(frame);

/* Print bit */
//n=Fmt(buff,"%s<%s","hello ");
ProcessSystemEvents ();

hr = INPCamera_Close(camera);



Re: INPVector2

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:08 pm
by Birch

I have included the code and having the following problems:
1/ I was expecting the command
hr = INPCamera_GetFrame(camera,waittime,&frame);
to give me a value into the frame variable, although hr returns 0.

2/The command line
hr = INPVector_Update(vector, camera, frame);
Gives me a general protection fault at 001B:011DFD71.

I expect I am missing something with the TrackIR in terms of some code. Can you help ???


One thing is to make sure the returned frame is not NULL before trying to pass it to INPVector, this has been covered other in other topics in the forum. A success return code from GetFrame() does not guarantee that the frame returned is valid, you still need to check it. You may want to call GetFrame() multiple times until it returns a usable frame.

Re: INPVector2

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:27 am
by Mark Scopes
I have writen a loop as suggested, the below line always returns null.
hr = INPCamera_GetFrame(camera,waittime,&frame);

I beleve the problem is before this as the start line
hr = INPCamera_Start(camera); returns -2147467259 is this due to the hardware type a TrackIR ?

I can obtain the cameras model number of 268959914 and serial number of 64965 using the
hr = INPCamera_get_Model(camera, &camera_model);
hr = INPCamera_get_SerialNumber(camera, &camera_sn);
so I am in comunication with the camera.