recording and exporting multiple takes

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recording and exporting multiple takes

Post by ajma »


I am starting to work with Motive and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.

I need record and export multiple (+100) takes comprising a very simple setup: 6 markers, 2 D model. When it comes to labelling and exporting, could I configure it so that I do not have to repeat everytime the same process (i.e. to load the same configuration for different takes, and camera calibration)?

Any help is much appreciated,
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Re: recording and exporting multiple takes

Post by steven.andrews »

Hi Antonio,

I hope you don't mind, but I found your similar post in another topic and have moved that information over here.
Dear Steven,

I have a question related to this one. I was wondering if any of the improvements in the new Motive soft version would help in this way. I need to record multiple independent takes (+200) with exactly the same markers positions (multiple people). I was wondering if there are any best practices to avoid manually labeling/checking all markers labels before exporting.

Many thanks,
The best method for handling this throughput would be to have created the skeletons or rigid bodies before capturing the data. Each person will have a unique skeleton setup. Even if you place the markers in exactly the same place on the same person between sessions, marker positions can be different enough to affect the tracking. So the skeleton would need to be created for each individual any time the suit is put on.
If you create the skeleton and record with it enabled, the skeleton will already exist in the take. The data should also be labeled and solved, then it's a simple matter of cleaning the data and batch exporting.

If you did not create the skeletons before recording, you can create the skeleton using a T-Pose from one of your recordings. Then select all of the Takes that need the new skeleton, right-click and choose to "Copy Assets to Takes." This will copy your current assets to the selected takes.

Checking the data and cleaning it is more of a manual process, since you will need to visually identify if any of the tracking is off.

Batch exporting is easy; you can select all takes that need to be exported before choosing to "Export Tracking Data." This will allow you to export all of the takes in one step rather than exporting each one individually.

I hope this helps to give you some ideas for getting started. If you are new to Motive, I do suggest you read the quick start guides to be sure you have a workflow that will not cause you more work in the backend. The guide should talk about the Profiles and the Calibration files, both of which can be used to retain your setup between sessions.

There is also some information on our batch processor, which might help to automate some of your processing workflow. Data cleanup should be done manually, though, to be sure everything is labeled correctly.

Steven Andrews
OptiTrack | Senior Customer Support Engineer
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