Active Pattern Depth

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Active Pattern Depth

Post by jakeclay2010 »

I am working with a system that has 36 cameras which will be tracking ~25 HTC Vive Pro headsets and ~50 HTC Vive Controllers. As I set up all the rigidbodies last week, I noticed a lot of flickering beginning when all were turned on. I also noticed strange rb behavior when they were initially created (one marker on a newly created rb thought it was part of an existing rb so the new one had a stretching effect). I even had issues finding all 8 markers for each rb as more and more were getting added.

I am under the assumption that increasing the Active Pattern Depth setting will fix this, but I am wondering what I should set it to and what the downsides are to setting it all the way to 32. There must be a reason the default value is 12.

If anyone can help out that would be great!
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Re: Active Pattern Depth

Post by steven.andrews »

Hi jakeclay2010,

A higher bit rate is needed as more active markers are added, in order for there to be enough unique IDs available. Increasing by 1 allows the addition of a lot of markers, so you will likely not need to increase the bit rate to the maximum.

There is no problem with increasing the bit rate, but since it does increase the length of the active ID there is a minor affect on how long it takes to initially identify the marker when it is first seen, and after being occluded. Instead of putting the pattern depth to its maximum, I would increase one at a time to determine what is needed. Once the markers all stop swapping with each other, the pattern depth should be high enough.

If you have any other questions about the active tracking, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Steven Andrews
OptiTrack | Senior Customer Support Engineer
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