Motive/TT API problems related to OpenMP

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Motive/TT API problems related to OpenMP

Post by ORB_Lab »

I am working on Python wrappers for the Motive API (but the .h and .dll files are still named TrackingTools - :cool:).

It seems Motive is now using Intel's OpenMP library (libiomp5mt.lib), but the I also have the Enthought Python Distribution installed and it includes a version of OpenMP (mk2iomp5md.dll).

The NPTrackingToolsx64.dll appears to be attempting to load the libiomp5mt library, but is instead finding that mk2iomp5md.dll has already been loaded giving this error message:

OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5mt.lib, but found mk2iomp5md.dll already initialized.
OMP: Hint: This may cause performance degradation and correctness issues. Set environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE to ignore this problem and force th
e program to continue anyway. Please note that the use of KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK is unsupported and using it may cause undefined behavior. For more information, please see

If I use the solution outlined in the error message, my code runs, but I'm concerned this will lead to undesirable behavior. Ideally, I like a more reliable fix so I can take advantage of all the improvements to Motive.
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