No device detected

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No device detected

Post by Hrvoje »

Please, if you could offer me some advice on what to try next.
In device manager everything is fine, no question marks nor exclamation marks, I see TrackIR3 under Naturalpoint Devices. I pointed TrackIR3 to npusbio_x64 and installed the latest driver (2.70). When I plug/unplug USB, i hear the bell... And yet, there's no red light in the TrackIR sensor and the app says No device detected.
I downgraded the driver to the previous one, but to no avail.
Every time I re/install the drivers, I clean the registry from everything that contains the words TrackIR and/or NaturalPoint.
All of that happened just like that... no installing the Windows or something...
Please, if you could guide me with a tip or something!?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: No device detected

Post by jillian.smythe »

Hello Hrvoje,

The TrackIR3 was discontinued about 20 years ago, and we no longer provide support for this product. As a result, we have not tested the newer versions of the TrackIR software (i.e. 5.5.0 and above) with the TrackIR3 or TrackIR4. Have you tried reinstalling version 5.4.2 (you can download it here:

Kind Regards,
Jillian Smythe
TrackIR Support Representative
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