Unreal Engine 5 Plugin 5.5 is now available

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NaturalPoint Employee
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Unreal Engine 5 Plugin 5.5 is now available

Post by sbmknight »

Unreal Engine 5 Plugin 5.5 is now available

Real-time interface for streaming 6DoF rigid body and skeleton data to Unreal.

Compatible with Unreal Engine 5.5

This update adds support for the Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN).

Other significant updates include:
  • Plugin updated for Unreal Engine 5.5 and UEFN to support Live Link Hub.
  • Added the ability to stream Motive data with a Y-Forward axis convention and set this as default.
  • Added a new material for the Motive avatar that supports material instancing to change color for skeletons.
Please see the downloads page for the full change list.

Plugin downloads section on the OptiTrack website:

Plugin documentation:
OptiTrack Unreal Engine Plugin Documentation