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Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:33 am
by Bob422
I completely understand your frustration and disappointment Dewey. I am also quadriplegic and have used TIR since it was invented. I had a TIR 3 and was really bummed when the 4.x software came out and mouse emulation had been severely crippled compared to 3.x.

I was told, as you are being told now, that I needed to switch to the SmartNav. So I bought a SmartNav 3 (the 4 wasn't out at the time) only to find that the software was even worse than the TIR at the time. I play a lot of first person shooter games and I couldn't get the SmartNav under control in any of my fps games. It was either spinning out of control or so slow I could barely move the cursor. Nothing in between. I ended up using the TIR 3.x software with my SmartNav hardware and was happy as could be.

Now I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and can no longer use the TIR 3.x software. I tried the final 4.x build but it is still clumsy and does not respond in most of my games or on the desktop. The 3.x software was the best version natural point ever released. It worked in ANY game and ANY application.
It had been a few years since I tried the actual SmartNav software but I had to now because of my OS and TIR 4.x being so horrible. To my surprise it has gotten a lot better. It is very smooth and accurate but has one major flaw. It can't auto pan. So I can't look to the left or right edge and have my view continue to spin until I'm looking in the direction I want to go then proceed like I could with the old TIR 3.x software in Win XP.

I brought this to NaturalPoint Mike's attention in a different thread back in May. They might look into adding this feature that was in TIR 3.x to a future version of the SmartNav software, but no promises of course. I hope they do very soon because as things stand I can't play FPS games anywhere near as well as I could.

I still don't really understand why such a seemingly simple feature could not remain in the current software.


Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:16 am
by dewey-1
Well even more dissapointment!

After using the ProCip with my own modified webcam (not the Tracker camera)and some other software since 8-10-11 and getting some real use out of my ProClip, with true mouse emulation, now the damn plastic retaining tab broke.
This is after being very gentle and hanging my headset with the Pro Clip after every use.

A whole 10 months use out of the Pro Clip and one day of use out of the camera and TrackIR software. This was the biggest waste of $125 in my life.

Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:51 am
by Seth Steiling
Hi Dewey,

If you purchased your TrackClip PRO 10 months ago, it will still be within the warranty period and eligible for free replacement. Please contact support[at]naturalpoint[dot]com for more information.

- Seth

Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:53 am
by dewey-1
I purchased it as a new unit off Ebay.
Does that make a difference in the warranty?
After all it is still your product.

Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:20 am
by NaturalPoint - Mike
Most certainly not. We do cover it 100% If you've purchased it from a dealer and you are within the US, you can get the RMA directly through us. If you purchased it from a dealer and you're outside of the US, you would need to contact the dealer (who will honor the warranty during the appropriate warranty period). eBay purchases are considered through a dealer.

Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:43 pm
by dewey-1
Round 2!!!

Now the replacement Track Clip Pro has broke in same spot as previous one.
A whole 2 months longer than the original.
I see no difference in longevity of the unit.

What can be done about this?
Is there a warranty on the replacement?

Re: TIR 4 Pro disapointment!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:36 am
by Seth Steiling
Hi Dewey,

Please submit a ticket to Our support team will be happy to work with you on getting a replacement.

Also, just for your information: we've migrated to a new material for the TrackClip PRO casing. It's proven to be sturdier than our previous plastic, and should hold up better for you over the long haul.

- Seth