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TrackIR 5 with TrackClipPro stops responding...

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:56 pm
by ERJ123

I have a TrackIR 5 with TrackClipPro setup. In FSX everything initialy works correctly when I first start my flight. Then at a random time the TrackIR will just freeze. FSX is still running fine but I get no movement from the TrackIR. I have noticed it sometimes happens when my REX program injects weather but not all the time. I have to completely close down FSX and reopen it to get it to work again. Im running Windows 7. FSX is fully updated. The TrackIR shows two green lights when it is working and when it freezes.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Re: TrackIR 5 with TrackClipPro stops responding...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:49 pm
by NaturalPoint - Mike
Hello -

Does this problem ever occur without the REX program running?

Re: TrackIR 5 with TrackClipPro stops responding...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:20 pm
by ERJ123
Hi Mike,

I have not tried it without REX running. One other thing I found today is if TrackIR stops responding during a flight and I unplug the USB and replug it in it works again. I have it plugged one of my motherboard USB ports.

I will try it without REX running and see what happens.