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Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 7:42 pm
by ayjrian
Hello all, I know there are existing posts on this issue, however none of them seem to report solving the problem... So here we are again.

I'm trying to stream live rigid body data from Arena to Unity 3d Pro. From all my reading it seems the simplest way to do this should be to add NatNetML.dll (x86 version) as an asset into Unity (Not within a plugins folder). Inside of Unity, I'm trying to get the following very basic scripts working:


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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using NatNetML;

public class TestMoCapCSharp : MonoBehaviour {

	void Start () {
		print ("Running TestMoCapCSharp - Start()");	
		NatNetML.NatNetClientML natNetClient = new NatNetML.NatNetClientML();		
		print ("TestMoCapCSharp - OK");		
	void Update () {	
and / or....


Code: Select all

import NatNetML;

function Start() {
	print ("Running TestMoCapJS - Start()");
	var nNClient : NatNetML.NatNetClientML;
	nNClient = NatNetML.NatNetClientML(); 
	print ("TestMoCapJS - Ok");

function Update () {

I attach these scripts to an object in the scene and when I run the game I get a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error R6034 and within the unity console the error:
MissingMethodException: Method contains unsupported native code
..LanguageSupport.Initialize (.LanguageSupport* )
..cctor ()
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for
TestMoCapCSharp.Start () (at Assets/TestMoCapCSharp.cs:10)
I've read a lot of forums but haven't found a solution. Is NatNetML.dll compatible with Unity 3d (version 3.04.0f5)? What version of .Net is it compiled for? How do I get it running.

Also note that I am not a programmer, I am 3d artist who can script pretty well. I would prefer to have a solution that works within UnitySscript (javascript) for simplicity sake.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Adrian Oostergetel

Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:35 pm
by NaturalPoint - Mike
Hello -

NatNet should be compatible with Unity, depending on your method of bringing it in. We don't have a public sample at the moment, but it's possible that we could have one in a future release of the protocol. A good alternative for the time being until we get that set up is to use the direct packet decoding method presented in the NatNet samples which will bypass the DLL (This method may require adjustments with new versions of NatNet, though).

Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:55 pm
by ayjrian
Thanks for the response Mike,

What do you mean though regarding 'depending my method of bringing it in'?. Are you referring to using 'NatNetLib.dll' instead of 'NatNetML.dll' or are you referring to how I reference the dll within my scripts inside of Unity? In the meantime I am looking into direct packet decoding. Obviously it's a lot more work as I'll probably have to move the code to C#.

Thanks again for the response, Is there anyone out there that has got streaming going into Unity using NatNetML.dll?

Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:11 am
by morgan
Here's an unsupported script that could help get you started on a script only solution for importing our OptiTrack data stream into Unity. This is a known working script against against 1.7.x, and should work with 1.8.x. Please note however that when doing direct depacketization, if the NatNet bitstream syntax changes (e.g. we added something) you'll need to update your script.

Also this script is provided "as-is" - we dont support it at this time.

The script basically:

1. Queries Arena for the model description (e.g. skeletons, markersets, etc)
2. Creates a Skeleton object from the data description
3. updates the skeleton joint pos/ori in a separate thread from socket events

Client then need only poll the skleton object for
- data has been updated?
- new joint pos/oris

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using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;

using UnityEngine;

public class MyStateObject
    public Socket workSocket = null;
    public const int BUFFER_SIZE = 65507;
    public byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

// OptiTrackUDPClient is a class for connecting to OptiTrack Arena Skeleton data
// and storing in a general Skeleton class object for access by Unity characters
public class OptiTrackUDPClient
    public int dataPort = 1511;
    public int commandPort = 1510;
    public string multicastIPAddress = "";
    public string localIPAddress = "";
	public bool bNewData = false;
	public Skeleton skelTarget = null;
	Socket sockData = null;
	Socket sockCommand = null;
	String strFrame = "";

	public OptiTrackUDPClient ()
	public bool Connect()
		IPEndPoint ipep;
		MyStateObject so;
		Debug.Log("[UDPClient] Connecting.");
		// create data socket
        sockData = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
        sockData.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);
        ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(localIPAddress), dataPort);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.Log("bind exception : " + ex.Message);

        // connect socket to multicast group
        IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(multicastIPAddress);
        sockData.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership, new MulticastOption(ip, IPAddress.Parse(localIPAddress)));

        so = new MyStateObject();
#if true
        // asynch - begin listening
        so.workSocket = sockData;
        sockData.BeginReceive(so.buffer, 0, MyStateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, 0, new AsyncCallback(AsyncReceiveCallback), so);
        // synch - read 1 frame
        int nBytesRead = s.Receive(so.buffer);
        strFrame = String.Format("Received Bytes : {0}\n", nBytesRead);
        if(nBytesRead > 0)
        textBox1.Text = strFrame;
		// create command socket
        sockCommand = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
        ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(localIPAddress), 0);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.Log("bind exception : " + ex.Message);
        // asynch - begin listening
        so = new MyStateObject();
        so.workSocket = sockCommand;
        sockCommand.BeginReceive(so.buffer, 0, MyStateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, 0, new AsyncCallback(AsyncReceiveCallback), so);
		return true;
	public bool RequestDataDescriptions()
		if(sockCommand != null)
			Byte[] message = new Byte[100];
			int offset = 0;
			ushort[] val = new ushort[1];
			val[0] = 4;
			Buffer.BlockCopy(val, 0, message, offset, 1*sizeof(ushort)); 
			offset += sizeof(ushort);
			val[0] = 0;
			Buffer.BlockCopy(val, 0, message, offset, 1*sizeof(ushort)); 
			offset += sizeof(ushort);
	        IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(localIPAddress), commandPort);
			int iBytesSent = sockCommand.SendTo(message, ipep);
			Debug.Log("[UDPClient] sent RequestDescription . (Bytes sent:" + iBytesSent + ")");
		return true;
	public bool RequestFrameOfData()
		if(sockCommand != null)
			Byte[] message = new Byte[100];
			int offset = 0;
			ushort[] val = new ushort[1];
			val[0] = 6;
			Buffer.BlockCopy(val, 0, message, offset, 1*sizeof(ushort)); 
			offset += sizeof(ushort);
			val[0] = 0;
			Buffer.BlockCopy(val, 0, message, offset, 1*sizeof(ushort)); 
			offset += sizeof(ushort);
	        IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(localIPAddress), commandPort);
			int iBytesSent = sockCommand.SendTo(message, ipep);
			Debug.Log("[UDPClient] Sent RequestFrameOfData. (Bytes sent:" + iBytesSent + ")");
		return true;
    // Async socket reader callback - called by .net when socket async receive procedure receives a message 
    private void AsyncReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
        MyStateObject so = (MyStateObject)ar.AsyncState;
        Socket s = so.workSocket;
        int read = s.EndReceive(ar);
		//Debug.Log("[UDPClient] Received Packet (" + read + " bytes)");	
        if (read > 0)
            // unpack the data
			if(s == sockData)
				bNewData = true;	// indicate to update character
            // listen for next frame
            s.BeginReceive(so.buffer, 0, MyStateObject.BUFFER_SIZE, 0, new AsyncCallback(AsyncReceiveCallback), so);

    private void ReadPacket(Byte[] b)
        int offset = 0;
        int nBytes = 0;
        int[] iData = new int[100];
        float[] fData = new float[500];
        char[] cData = new char[500];
		Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 2); offset += 2;
		int messageID = iData[0];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 2); offset += 2;
		nBytes = iData[0];
		//Debug.Log("[UDPClient] Processing Received Packet (Message ID : " + messageID + ")");
		if(messageID == 5)		// Data descriptions
			strFrame = ("[UDPClient] Read DataDescriptions");
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            strFrame += String.Format("Dataset Count: {0}\n", iData[0]);
			int nDatasets = iData[0];

	        for(int i=0; i < nDatasets; i++)
        	    //print("Dataset %d\n", i);

	            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
	            strFrame += String.Format("Dataset # {0} (type: {1})\n", i, iData[0]);
				int type = iData[0];
				if(type == 0)   // markerset
	                // name
					string strName = "";
					while(b[offset] != '\0')
		            	Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, cData, 0, 1); offset += 1;
						strName += cData[0];
					offset += 1;
		            strFrame += String.Format("MARKERSET (Name: {0})\n", strName);
	        	    // marker data
	    	        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
		            strFrame += String.Format("marker count: {0}\n", iData[0]);
					int nMarkers = iData[0];

	                for(int j=0; j < nMarkers; j++)
						strName = "";
						while(b[offset] != '\0')
			            	Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, cData, 0, 1); offset += 1;
							strName += cData[0];
						offset +=1;
			            strFrame += String.Format("Name : {0}\n", strName);
	            else if(type ==1)   // rigid body
	                if(major >= 2)
	                    // name
	                    char szName[MAX_NAMELENGTH];
	                    strcpy(szName, ptr);
	                    ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1;
	                    printf("Name: %s\n", szName);
	                int ID = 0; memcpy(&ID, ptr, 4); ptr +=4;
	                printf("ID : %d\n", ID);
	                int parentID = 0; memcpy(&parentID, ptr, 4); ptr +=4;
	                printf("Parent ID : %d\n", parentID);
	                float xoffset = 0; memcpy(&xoffset, ptr, 4); ptr +=4;
	                printf("X Offset : %3.2f\n", xoffset);
	                float yoffset = 0; memcpy(&yoffset, ptr, 4); ptr +=4;
	                printf("Y Offset : %3.2f\n", yoffset);
	                float zoffset = 0; memcpy(&zoffset, ptr, 4); ptr +=4;
	                printf("Z Offset : %3.2f\n", zoffset);
	            else if(type ==2)   // skeleton
					InitializeSkeleton(b, offset);

        	}   // next dataset
        else if (messageID == 7)	// Frame of Mocap Data
			strFrame = "[UDPClient] Read FrameOfMocapData\n";
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            strFrame += String.Format("Frame # : {0}\n", iData[0]);

            // MarkerSets
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            int nMarkerSets = iData[0];
            strFrame += String.Format("MarkerSets # : {0}\n", iData[0]);
            for (int i = 0; i < nMarkerSets; i++)
                String strName = "";
                int nChars = 0;
                while (b[offset + nChars] != '\0')
                strName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b, offset, nChars);
                offset += nChars + 1;

                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                strFrame += String.Format("Marker Count : {0}\n", iData[0]);

                nBytes = iData[0] * 3 * 4;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, nBytes); offset += nBytes;
            // Other Markers
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            int nOtherMarkers = iData[0];
            strFrame += String.Format("Other Markers : {0}\n", iData[0]);
            nBytes = iData[0] * 3 * 4;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, nBytes); offset += nBytes;

            // Rigid Bodies
            RigidBody rb = new RigidBody();
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            int nRigidBodies = iData[0];
            strFrame += String.Format("Rigid Bodies : {0}\n", iData[0]);
            for (int i = 0; i < nRigidBodies; i++)
                ReadRB(b, ref offset, rb);
            // Skeletons
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            int nSkeletons = iData[0];
            strFrame += String.Format("Skeletons : {0}\n", iData[0]);
            for (int i = 0; i < nSkeletons; i++)
                // ID
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                skelTarget.ID = iData[0];
                // # rbs (bones) in skeleton
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                skelTarget.nBones = iData[0];
                for (int j = 0; j < skelTarget.nBones; j++)
                    ReadRB(b, ref offset, skelTarget.bones[j]);

            // frame latency
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4); offset += 4;

            // end of data (EOD) tag
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;

			// debug
            String str = String.Format("Skel ID : {0}", skelTarget.ID);
            for (int i = 0; i < skelTarget.nBones; i++)
                String st = String.Format(" Bone {0}: ID: {1}    raw pos ({2:F2},{3:F2},{4:F2})  raw ori ({5:F2},{6:F2},{7:F2},{8:F2})",
                    i, skelTarget.bones[i].ID,
                    skelTarget.bones[i].pos[0], skelTarget.bones[i].pos[1], skelTarget.bones[i].pos[2],
                    skelTarget.bones[i].ori[0], skelTarget.bones[i].ori[1], skelTarget.bones[i].ori[2], skelTarget.bones[i].ori[3]);
                str += "\n" + st;


		else if(messageID == 100)
			Debug.Log("Packet Read: Unrecognized Request.");

	// Unpack RigidBody data
    private void ReadRB(Byte[] b, ref int offset, RigidBody rb)
        int[] iData = new int[100];
        float[] fData = new float[100];

        // RB ID
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
        int iSkelID = iData[0] >> 16;     		// hi 16 bits = ID of bone's parent skeleton
        int iBoneID = iData[0] & 0xffff;    	// lo 16 bits = ID of bone
        //rb.ID = iData[0]; // already have it from data descriptions
		// RB pos
		float[] pos = new float[3];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, pos, 0, 4 * 3); offset += 4 * 3;
        rb.pos.x = pos[0]; rb.pos[1] = pos[1]; rb.pos[2] = pos[2];
		// RB ori
		float[] ori = new float[4];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, ori, 0, 4 * 4); offset += 4 * 4;
		rb.ori.x = ori[0]; rb.ori.y = ori[1]; rb.ori.z = ori[2]; rb.ori.w = ori[3];
        // RB's markers
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
        int nMarkers = iData[0];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4 * 3 * nMarkers); offset += 4 * 3 * nMarkers;
		// RB's marker ids
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4 * nMarkers); offset += 4 * nMarkers;
		// RB's marker sizes
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4 * nMarkers); offset += 4 * nMarkers;
		// RB mean error
        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4); offset += 4;

	void InitializeSkeleton(Byte[] b, int offset)
        int[] iData = new int[100];
        float[] fData = new float[500];
        char[] cData = new char[500];
		string strName = "";
		while(b[offset] != '\0')
        	Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, cData, 0, 1); offset += 1;
			strName += cData[0];
		offset += 1;
        strFrame += String.Format("SKELETON (Name: {0})\n", strName); = strName;

        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
        strFrame += String.Format("SkeletonID: {0}\n", iData[0]);
		skelTarget.ID = iData[0];

        Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
        strFrame += String.Format("nRigidBodies: {0}\n", iData[0]);
		skelTarget.nBones = iData[0];
        for(int j=0; j< skelTarget.nBones; j++)
            // RB name
			string strRBName = "";
			while(b[offset] != '\0')
            	Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, cData, 0, 1); offset += 1;
				strRBName += cData[0];
			offset += 1;
            strFrame += String.Format("RBName: {0}\n", strRBName);
			skelTarget.bones[j].name = strRBName;

			// RB ID
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
	        int iSkelID = iData[0] >> 16;     		// hi 16 bits = ID of bone's parent skeleton
	        int iBoneID = iData[0] & 0xffff;    	// lo 16 bits = ID of bone
			//Debug.Log("RBID:" + iBoneID + "  SKELID:"+iSkelID);
            strFrame += String.Format("RBID: {0}\n", iBoneID);
			skelTarget.bones[j].ID = iBoneID;

			// RB Parent
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            strFrame += String.Format("RB Parent ID: {0}\n", iData[0]);
			skelTarget.bones[j].parentID = iData[0];

			// RB local position offset
			Vector3 localPos;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            strFrame += String.Format("X Offset: {0}\n", fData[0]);
			localPos.x = fData[0];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            strFrame += String.Format("Y Offset: {0}\n", fData[0]);
			localPos.y = fData[0];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
            strFrame += String.Format("Z Offset: {0}\n", fData[0]);
			localPos.z = fData[0];
			skelTarget.bones[j].pos = localPos;
			//Debug.Log("[UDPClient] Added Bone: " + skelTarget.bones[j].name);
		skelTarget.bHasHierarchyDescription = true;


The Skeleton class:

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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;

using UnityEngine;

// bone
public class RigidBody
	public string name = "";
    public int ID = -1;
	public int parentID = -1;
	public float length = 1.0f;
	public Vector3 pos;
	public Quaternion ori;
	public Quaternion initOri;
	public Transform trans;

// skeleton
public class Skeleton
	public string name = "";
    public int ID = -1;
    public int nBones = 0;
    public RigidBody[] bones = new RigidBody[200];
    public bool bHasHierarchyDescription = false;
    public bool bNeedBoneLengths = true;
	public float fUnitConversion = .001f;	// arena mm to m
	public float refLength;
	public Dictionary<int,GameObject> RBToGameObject = new Dictionary<int, GameObject>();
	public Dictionary<GameObject,int> GameObjectToRB = new Dictionary<GameObject,int>();
	public GameObject rootObject = null;
	public Skeleton()
		for(int i=0; i < 200; i++)
			bones[i] = new RigidBody();
	public virtual void UpdateBonePosOriFromFile(int frameIndex)

	// Create a skeleton from an existing unity rig
	public void CreateFromTransform(Transform t)
		name =;
		AddBones(t, -1);
		bNeedBoneLengths = false;
		bHasHierarchyDescription = true;
		Debug.Log("[Skeleton] Created skeleton from existing transforms (name:" + name + "  Bones:"+nBones+")");
	private void AddBones(Transform t, int parentIndex)
		int index = nBones;
		bones[index].name =;
		bones[index].ID = index;
		bones[index].parentID = parentIndex;
		bones[index].pos = t.localPosition;
		bones[index].ori = t.localRotation;
		bones[index].initOri = t.localRotation;	// initial ori required to get character skeleton into init-pose (aka t-pose, neutral pose)
		bones[index].trans = t;
		if(t.childCount == 1)
			bones[index].length = t.GetChild(0).localPosition.magnitude;
			// use upper leg as a "reference length" for this skeleton
			if(bones[index].name.Contains("Thigh") || bones[index].name.Contains("UpLeg"))
				refLength = bones[index].length;
		//Debug.Log("[Skeleton] Created Bone: " + bones[index].name + "(length: "+ bones[index].length+")");
		RBToGameObject[bones[index].ID] = t.gameObject;
		GameObjectToRB[t.gameObject] = bones[index].ID;
		foreach (Transform tChild in t)
			AddBones(tChild, index);
	public RigidBody GetBone(string boneName)
		for(int i=0; i < nBones; i++)
			if(bones[i].name == boneName)
				return bones[i];
		return null;
	public RigidBody GetBone(int id)
		for(int i=0; i < nBones; i++)
			if(bones[i].ID == id)
				return bones[i];
		return null;
	public void UpdateBoneLengths()
			for(int i=0; i< nBones; i++)
				RigidBody rb = bones[i];
				if(rb.parentID >= 0)
					RigidBody rbParent = GetBone(rb.parentID);
					if(rbParent != null)
						// todo : where an rb has multiple children, traditional bone length is undefined
						// for purpose of retargeting, could define it as average of all parent-child lengths, or min or max.
						Vector3 v = rb.pos;		// pos is already a local xform - no need to subtract out
						float fLength = v.magnitude;
						rbParent.length = fLength * fUnitConversion;
						//Debug.Log("[Skeleton] Updated Bone Length (Bone:" + + "  ID:" + rbParent.ID + "  Length:"+rbParent.length+")");
							refLength = rbParent.length;
			bNeedBoneLengths = false;
			Debug.Log("[Skeleton] Updated Bone Length (Skeleton:" + name + ")");

// custom skeleton class - used to define bone mapping between a mocap skeleton source (e.g. Arena)
// and a character rig (e.g. standard Autodesk HIK rig)
public class ArenaSkeleton : Skeleton
	// IDs from Arena data stream
	public enum ArenaBoneID {
		hip = 1,
	public static Dictionary<int,string> ArenaToFBX = new Dictionary<int, string>();	// Arena to custom FBX
	public static Dictionary<int,string> ArenaToHIK = new Dictionary<int, string>();	// Arena to standard HIK model

	static ArenaSkeleton()
		// Arena skeleton to standard Maya/Unity HIK model
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.hip, 		"Hips");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.abd, 		"Spine");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.chest, 		"Spine2");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.neck, 		"Neck");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.head, 		"Head");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lshoulder, 	"LeftShoulder");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.luarm,		"LeftArm");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lfarm,		"LeftForeArm");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lhand,		"LeftHand");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rshoulder, 	"RightShoulder");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.ruarm,		"RightArm");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rfarm,		"RightForeArm");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rhand,		"RightHand");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lthigh, 	"LeftUpLeg");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lshin,	 	"LeftLeg");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lfoot, 		"LeftFoot");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lfootend, 	"LeftToeBase");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rthigh, 	"RightUpLeg");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rshin, 		"RightLeg");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rfoot, 		"RightFoot");
		ArenaToHIK.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rfootend, 	"RightToeBase");
		// Arena to custom FBX model
		// TODO: modify to support your custom FBX character here
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.hip, 		"Hips");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.abd, 		"Torso_Lower");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.chest, 		"Torso_Middle");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.neck, 		"Torso_Uppper");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.head, 		"Head");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.headend,	"HeadEnd");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lshoulder, 	"LeftShoulder");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.luarm,		"Bicep_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lfarm,		"Forearm_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lhand,		"Wrist_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rshoulder, 	"RightShoulder");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.ruarm,		"Bicep_R");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rfarm,		"Forearm_R");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rhand,		"Wrist_R");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lthigh, 	"Thigh_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lshin,	 	"Shin_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lfoot, 		"Foot_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.lfootend, 	"Toes_L");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rthigh, 	"Thigh_R");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rshin, 		"Shin_R");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rfoot, 		"Foot_R");
		ArenaToFBX.Add((int)ArenaBoneID.rfootend, 	"Toes_R");

To use:

Code: Select all

// Network - live data source support
OptiTrackUDPClient udpClient;
private int dataPort = 1511;
private string multicastIPAddress = "";
public string localIPAddress = "";

// conect
skelPerformer = new ArenaSkeleton();

// Connect to a Live Arena session
udpClient = new OptiTrackUDPClient();
udpClient.localIPAddress = localIPAddress;
udpClient.multicastIPAddress = multicastIPAddress;
udpClient.dataPort = dataPort;
udpClient.skelTarget = skelPerformer;	// <-- live data will be stuffed into this skeleton object
bool bSuccess = udpClient.Connect();
	int timeout = 0;
	while( (skelPerformer.nBones ==0) && (timeout < 100))
	if(skelPerformer.nBones > 0)
		bNeedPerformerSkeletonInit = true;
		bLiveMode = true;
		strDebugText += "Live Mode Initialized.\n";

//skelPerformer now gets updated in its own thread in the NatNet client script.

Hope this helps!


Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:00 pm
by ayjrian
Hi Morgan, Thanks for your massive contribution, I've been on holidays and have only just got back into the office. I'll take a good look at what you've given me and report back.



Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:01 am
by JermAker
Any update to this code that is complete or working?
I'm interested form anyone who has had suceess in getting NatNet or VRPN to work in Unity. Thanks!


Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:32 pm
by NaturalPoint - Mike
Jeremy -

VRPN should be supported by Unity, however it's a bit outside of our scope of support.

The above sample should work for streaming via NatNet into Unity. Have you tried it out yet? If you're running into issues, we'd be more than happy to assist.

Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:24 am
by shiny987
Hello I'm currently working with unity 3d and my objective is to move the main camera (in unity) using a rigidbody tracked by 6 optitrack cameras. In other words I would like to to use a tracked rigidbody as controller.

So my question is can i use this script to do that?
And if so, can you explain me how to use this script?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:20 am
by Quen
I got the same problem Gabriele described. In Arena I have several rigidbodies which I want to use in Unity(4).

I tried the scripts (by Morgan), removed all the skeleton stuff and managed to get them work.
But the positions are all zero, even though the rigidbodies in Arena are not at that positions.

I try to access the data in an Update()-function which I added to the "To use" script, looking at udpClient.rbList.pos and always getting (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for all rigidbodies.
[edit: same for orientation: rbList.ori = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]

Using the NatNetML.dll and .net UdpClient, I get the packet as hex-string, but there was no way to decode it properly into any useable values. Whenever I try to contervt it (like Encoding.ASCII.GetString(), or by manual byte-convertion), all I get is one single special sign (this bullet point: �).
[edit: In Arena on the Streaming-tab, I have only "Right Hand Coord." and "Rigid Body Data" checked.]

If anyone got an idea how to get rigidbodies fast and easy into Unity, please tell us! We really would appreciate any help. :-)


Re: Arena to Unity streaming

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:20 pm
by morgan
Hey guys -

There's 2 separate approaches here:

1. Use NatNetML.dll, which is a .Net assembly, within your own Unity plugin. See the Winforms sample in the NatNet SDK for an example of how to consume this assembly. No depacketization is necessary here, as the NatNetML assembly provides accessor methods for getting the data. This is by far the "nicest" way, but requires Unity Pro and your own plugin.

2. Directly depacketize our NatNET UDP packets within Unity script. This is more direct, but requires you to depacketize the UDP packets yourself (see script above). The main issue with this approach is if the UDP packet bitstream syntax changes (which it *may* from Arena release to Arena release), you will need to update your script. Refer to the PacketClient sample in the NatNet SDK for an example of how to decode the latest packet.

For your issue - it's possible the packet syntax of the version of Arena you are streaming from does not match the exactly the script.

If you want to go forward using the script/UDP approach, ome things I would test:
- does the script connect to Arena correctly?
- does AsyncReceiveCallback get called when you step one frame from Arena?
- does the message ID == 7 (frame of mocap data)?

if all the above are true then its likely something in the depacketization. If possible - validate your depacketization against the depacketization sample in the NatNet SDK.

Hope this helps,
