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Point cloud export fbx

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:44 am
by Ives
An option in Arena to export point clouds in fbx or an another format
usable in 3DS max or Maya.
Alot of the power of the optitrack system is lost in restricting to rigid bodies, facial mocap with expression and body motion capture/

We could use a motion capture pointcloud for alot of other set-ups.
Now it is frustrating you can record it but not export it.
So we have to use ather camera's and other systems to do this.

Re: Point cloud export fbx

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:10 pm
by NaturalPoint - Mike
I've forwarded the request to our developers for review. Stronger editing tools are currently being talked about that could make this more of a reality than it currently is. We've experimented with exporting unlabeled markers, but without the ability to bridge gaps it makes one spectacular mess (think rendering the big bang in mobu).

Re: Point cloud export fbx

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:38 am
by Ives
It would be great if your developers would be able to make it possible to label and export all markers in the future.
I guess editing tools where you can label markers and correct trajectories by hand where needed, would be the key to it.

Re: Point cloud export fbx

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:29 pm
by NaturalPoint - Mike
Our editing utilities are getting a good workup, keep an eye on the next few iterations of Arena.