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Technical Support NEED HELP

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:43 am
by bcb871810
SO I have a Track IR 4 Pro that I've had for a good long while. I haven't used it in ages but I do remember that when I put it away, it was working fine. I just built a new gaming rig and want to use it again. I plugged it in and I see the red and blue LED flash for a second and then nothing. I've installed the software and it says no device detected. Every time I restart the computer, I see the LEDs flash so I know its getting power. I've looked at the device manager and it shows up as an "Unknown Device" (Failed enumeration). I barely used this thing before I packed it away and now it's not working. Starting to think it wasn't worth the money. Any help to get this working?

Re: Technical Support NEED HELP

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:23 pm
by NaturalPoint-Dustin

I would like to troubleshoot this issue with you thoroughly and a remote session if this is possible. Could you please submit a ticket at

I am sure we can get to the bottom of this and come to a quick resolution.