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NatNet python client sample:thread blocking?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:20 am
by DarkKnight
Hello, everyone,

I am trying to run the NatNet Python client sample in NatNet SDK3.1 in my computer1(The NatNet Python Client runs in the Linux system) to receive the streaming data from Motive v.2.2.0 which is running in my computer2(This computer is based on Windows system). Right now although I can receive the data as follows:
Received frame 395616
Received position for rigid body (0.05442060902714729, 1.558318018913269, 0.5289861559867859)
Received rotation for rigid body (0.03229813650250435, -0.016792742535471916, -0.07279037684202194, 0.9966827630996704)

Exception ignored in: <module 'threading' from '/user/lib/python3.8/'>
traceback (most recent call last):
file "user/lib/python3.8/", line 1388, in_shutdown
However, after around 5 seconds, there is no data showing in my console. No error and warning is showing, and it seems that the program is still running.
Then I press "ctrl+c", then according to the hint shown above, I guess the issue is caused by thread blocking? And I am not sure why this will happen. is there anyone who have faced the same issue?

Any command and suggestion is helpful!

Best regards

Re: NatNet python client sample:thread blocking?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:01 pm
by DarkKnight
After a few days of trying, I have found an interesting phenomenon. Every time when I open the WinFormTestApp.exe in my client computer(computer2), even if I didn't click the connect button, then the above problem will appear when I use the Natnet python client sample in the Linux system which runs in the virtual machine of the computer2. When I turn off the WinFormTestApp.exe in computer2 and restart the Motive in computer1, then the above problem will disappear. It seems the WinFormTestApp.exe and Natnet python client sample will seize communication resources or channels and that will cause the thread block when I run the Natnet python client sample. I am not sure how this will happen but at least right now It can works now.

Best regards!