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Linux - Undefined References

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:51 pm
by edwardss2018

When trying to compile and run NatNet's SampleClient.cpp on a Raspberry Pi 4 (armv7l, so 32 bit), we got an "undefined reference" error for the functions included in the NatNet download. We think the problem may be a mismatch between the 32 bit and required 62 bits for NatNet, but we're not sure. Has anyone run into this issue, and how did you work around it? We're new to this software, so any help would be appreciated.

Some examples of the error messages that we got:

undefined reference to 'NatNetClient::SetFrameReceivedCallback(void (*)(sFrameOfMocapData*,void*), void*)'
undefined reference to 'NatNet_DecodeTimecode'
undefined reference to 'NatNetClient::Connect(sNatNetClientConnectParams const&)'