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Issues running Open Broadcase Software (OBS) and TrackIR

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:45 pm
by WildFyr
Hello, I am a streamer on the platform Twitch and I picked up a TrackIR a while back to use with American Trucking Simulator whilst streaming. However, if the TrackIR program is running OBS will not launch, as soon as I close TrackIR OBS will launch and will launch as many times as I clicked it when TrackIR was open, upon OBS running if I try and start TrackIR program again OBS will freeze all up and stop working correctly, my animated backgrounds stop working and them will slowly become black upon prolonged use, applications will appear glitched and broken, and the Stream will lag very very hard. I have seen other streamers and YouTubers using TrackIR so I wanted to know if there was a way to fix this issue or to try and find out why it is happening. Thanks for any support, ~WildFyr