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Workflow with motive and flex13 cameras

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:03 pm
by elimark1
Hi all,

I am using Motive with some flex13 cameras via 2 synced optihubs. Everything is working great, but there are some things I am not sure about:
- In order to turn off the cameras I have to close Motive. If I close Motive I find sometimes I need to re-calibrate it when I open it again. Do I need to close Motive? Do the cameras need to be turned off or is it ok to leave them on for extended periods of times (days, weeks, or even months)?

- After closing Motive and unplugging and re-plugging the USB for the optihub from the PC I find I also need to re-calibrate. I can still see the markers fine in the 2d view of each camera, but the 3d view only recognizes 3/6 of my markers. Usually when only closing and opening Motive, or even rebooting the PC, I don't have this problem. Does disconnecting the optihub USB and reconnecting force re-calibration?

I guess my general question is how the workflow with Motive and and flex13 cameras via optihub should be done in order to not need to re-calibrate. When do I need to close Motive and turn off the cameras and how will doing so affect my calibration?

Thanks in advance for any help available,
The brooks brothers trailers

Re: Workflow with motive and flex13 cameras

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:49 am
by steven.andrews
Hi elimark1,

When Motive shuts down it saves the calibration for the cameras that are currently connected. If Motive is shutdown while no cameras are connected then an empty calibration will be saved and loaded at next launch.

If you shutdown Motive before you turn off the cameras, then turn on the cameras before you launch Motive, you should be able to keep your existing calibration. Please note, in most situations it is a good idea to calibrate regularly and especially right before tracking data you wish to use. Otherwise you should be running Continuous Calibration.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to our Support team directly.

Steven Andrews
OptiTrack | Senior Customer Support Engineer