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Motive 2 can't use camera off preset

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:55 pm
by alexo_unsw
Hi, long time motive user here from 2014.

I used Motive 1.7.x, and have now upgraded to 2.3.1
I used to "turn the cameras off" by loading a preset with the IR's set to 0.
Motive.exe "C:/Users/username/Documents/motive/preset-off.ttp"

In Motive 2.3.1, this is not respected in the new .motive file format.
1) by just turning LEDs off, the XMLs are the same
2) By "disabling" the cameras the xml is different. But opening either file doesn't respect the XML for this setting.

Also, in motive 1.7.x i could set the LED intensity. In 2.3.1 its just a simple checkbox. This is extremely frustrating for getting the settings dialed in just right.