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Track IR Smooth Centering

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:34 am
by Duke
I've been using Track IR for ages now and can't live without it in titles like iRacing and DCS. I've a number of profiles at this point that work well however they all share the same annoying trait when viewed as a spectator through the lens of Twitch streaming.

This trait is the snap to center action.

To be clear, it's fine as a player because I don't notice it so much but a bit jarring to watch in a YouTube Video or Twitch livestream/VOD.

I'm curious, is there a way to slow the motion of snap to center, similar to how you re-center view in VR for example?

Instead of immediate centering when I press the hotkey, maybe centering is a fluid motion that's time value adjustable in seconds?

A value of 0.5 or even 1 second snap to center would be far more fluid and less jarring for the viewer imho.

...and if this setting somehow exists and I don't know about it, please say so. Even though I've been using Track IR for some time now I'm by no means to be considered expert.

Thank you.

Re: Track IR Smooth Centering

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:06 pm
by jillian.smythe
Hello Duke,

We are committed to making TrackIR the best product it can be. We appreciate your suggestion to slow the speed of centering the view to make the motion seem more natural and less jarring. I will pass along this suggestion to our development team.

Thanks for using our product and being engaged in the product's success.

Kind Regards,

Re: Track IR Smooth Centering

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:28 pm
by Duke
Oh awesome!

That would be an amazing feature to have and make the viewing experience on Twitch/YouTube so much better.

Thank you,
