eSync 2 synchronisation input

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eSync 2 synchronisation input

Post by Benedikt01 »

I'm trying to setup a Raspberry Pi to synchronize my OptiTrack cameras with different external cameras. The idea is to generate a signal which is input into an eSync 2 and the external cameras. I'm not sure whether to use one of the "normal" inputs or the isolated input for synchronization on the eSync 2. The signal would be generated as GPIO Output at 3.3V. The plan is to run the external cameras and eSync input in parallel.

Which input should I chose? As the "normal" input requires a high impedance output I would assume the isolated input is the correct choice. How much current does the isolated input draw at 3.3V input voltage, what would be an upper limit for the input current?

Does the plan as a whole make sense or is using a Raspberry Pi as synchronization source a bad idea?
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