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Face Building to use Facial Motion Capture

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:41 am
by webck

my question is how must the building or the anatomie of a characters face be... Are there limits or a special kind of polygons. Are there some tricks or have somebody any tutorials/Screenshots/Images of a 3d-character especially for opti track facial motion capture!?

I built a 3d character with 3ds max and I must fastly know if there are a solution to animate my characters face with opti track solution.

Thank you!!!


Re: Face Building to use Facial Motion Capture

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:22 pm
by Josiah
From what I've read in these forums, it appears that currently 3ds Max cannot import motion capture data on anything other than the BiPed. Of course, the BiPed does not currently support any sort of facial capturing so until some other kind of support makes itself known, 3ds Max users are out of luck.

Re: Face Building to use Facial Motion Capture

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:58 am
by eggboy
I yet have not used Optitrack, but in general mocap, you can import the data as moving nulls/locators to your software. One there, you can use that points to drive your face mesh directly, or to drive your face rig controls. Those are the ways I've used right now.