TIR 5 restricting my view to 'inside' cockpit - FSX

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TIR 5 restricting my view to 'inside' cockpit - FSX

Post by tezaa »

Hi all,

I'm sure this must have been asked before but alas despite spending a few hours searching the web & forums - I still can't find a clear answer. So I thought I'd cut to the chase and ask the gurus 'out there'.

I am using TrackIR5 with FSX, and no matter how aggressive my profiling is .. I seem to be restricted in my X,Y,Z movements.

EG: I can't move my eyepoint through the cockpit wall, to the outside world.

EG: When I'm in the left seat of a B747, I can't using TIR to move over to the dials in the right seat - I'm limited!

This is easily possible when only using the keyboard keys. [CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE. Eyepoint (move left)]

Yes, I've read all the issues about having to adjust the center point in the config files etc but I'm under the impression that this is a separate issue.

What is limiting my x,y,z movements? (Actually - I've only noticed the limiting when moving left/right).
When I am viewing my profile in the TrackIR software - it certainly doesn't seem restricted in any way??!

Any help appreciated.
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Re: TIR 5 restricting my view to 'inside' cockpit - FSX

Post by VincentG »

This is part of the way the view is controlled by the Simconnect portion of the FSX application.

To adjust the viewpoint, within FSX itself, the changes would need to be made to the aircraft cfg file.

With the older versions of FS, you could still use the CSB combination, but with simconnect, that is overridden, when it detects a simconnect connection for viewpoint control (TrackIR, etc.)
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Re: TIR 5 restricting my view to 'inside' cockpit - FSX

Post by tezaa »

Hi - thanks for your reply.

I understand what you are saying regarding simconnect disabling/overriding the viewpoint keyboard combinations.

But are you also saying, that simconnect is the reason that my "x" (left/right) travel is limited?

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Re: TIR 5 restricting my view to 'inside' cockpit - FSX

Post by VincentG »

Yes, as it has preset limits within the cockpit itself.
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Re: TIR 5 restricting my view to 'inside' cockpit - FSX

Post by conundrum3 »

I'm having the opposite problem. When in the virtual cockpit, I'd like to stop my view from going outside the cockpit like a ghost.
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